Plastic-Free Archives - BIBO Filtered chilled & boiling water | BIBO home water Dispenser Fri, 19 Jan 2024 10:06:21 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Plastic-Free Archives - BIBO 32 32 Ditch the Bottle, Embrace the BIBO: Your Health and the Planet Will Thank You Fri, 19 Jan 2024 10:06:21 +0000 Bottled water fans, brace yourselves! A recent study has shattered the illusion of bottled water as a healthy hydration hero. Those convenient plastic bottles might harbour a shocking secret: up to 100 times more microplastics than previously thought!   Did you know the average person in the U.K. uses over 150 plastic water bottles yearly?... Read more >

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Bottled water fans, brace yourselves! A recent study has shattered the illusion of bottled water as a healthy hydration hero. Those convenient plastic bottles might harbour a shocking secret: up to 100 times more microplastics than previously thought!


Did you know the average person in the U.K. uses over 150 plastic water bottles yearly? That’s nearly 3 billion litres of bottled water guzzled annually in the mistaken belief we’re doing our bodies a favour! But what if those tiny microplastics lurking within are actually doing the opposite?


Smaller than a sesame seed, these insidious fragments are infiltrating our oceans, food, and even bottled water. The latest research, published in the prestigious Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, counted an alarming 240,000 plastic fragments per litre in popular brands. That’s 10 to 100 times higher than previous estimates, raising serious health concerns.


But wait, there’s more! Researchers also detected nanoplastics, even tinier particles that can bypass our digestive system and enter our bloodstream, potentially reaching organs and crossing the placenta.

While their long-term health effects are still under review, early research suggests links to reproductive issues and gastric problems.


So, what’s a health-conscious Brit to do? Ditch the plastic bottle; embrace the BIBO! This innovative water filtration system transforms your tap water into pure, delicious refreshment without the microplastic menace that is single use plastic!


Here’s why BIBO is the ultimate bottled water alternative:

  • Multi-stage filtration: Avoid the potential risks of microplastics and enjoy clean, pure water. Say goodbye to chlorine, heavy metals, and other impurities that threaten your health. BIBO’s advanced filtration system removes the nasties while retaining essential minerals for optimal health.
  • Unlimited chilled and sparkling water: Ditch the endless stream of single use plastic bottles cluttering your fridge. BIBO dispenses refreshing, chilled, or sparkling water on demand whenever you need it.
  • Eco-friendly hero: Reduce your plastic footprint: BIBO is a sustainable solution that helps you stay hydrated without harming the planet.
  • Cost-effective: Save money on expensive bottled water. BIBO is an investment in your health and wallet.


Clean up your hydration habits here now!

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Future Trends in Sustainable Water Solutions Fri, 29 Sep 2023 10:16:27 +0000 The world is currently feeling particularly fragile in the context of water sustainability. With many countries across the globe coming to grips with water scarcity and increasing levels of pollution everywhere, water management has grown from being a day-to-day necessity to an urgent priority worldwide. BIBO Water can offer a sustainable water solution that not... Read more >

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The world is currently feeling particularly fragile in the context of water sustainability. With many countries across the globe coming to grips with water scarcity and increasing levels of pollution everywhere, water management has grown from being a day-to-day necessity to an urgent priority worldwide.

BIBO Water can offer a sustainable water solution that not only enhances the quality of your standard tap water but also contributes to a greener world, helping you to make healthier choices for the planet.

This article will provide a comprehensive rundown of what is going on in the world of water sustainability and will show you how BIBO contributes to these evolving needs in responsible water management.

Exploring Sustainable Water Solutions and Innovations

There is an urgency for solutions which can help maintain safe and reliable water sources. As such, new innovations in water solutions and technology are being developed, with many focusing on water purification, conservation and equitable distribution.

However, developing new technologies can only take us so far. An overall mindset shift needs to occur in sustainable water practices as well as in promoting environmental responsibility.

Here at BIBO, we are driven to bring beautiful-tasting water into your homes and offices without affecting the environment. Indeed our water filtration system encourages the reduction of energy waste as well as the reduction of water and plastic usage.

Red BIBO water dispenser for home on kitchen countertop

Sustainable Water Solutions for Home and Beyond

One particular sustainable water practice that BIBO promotes is the use of eco-friendly water filters. This would be a big step towards creating change in the industry if all companies made steps towards reducing plastic through recyclable filters or the use of filters with eco-friendly materials.

Water filters in general already help reduce the need for plastic bottled water. BIBO’s filter cartridges and UV lamps go one step further, being fully recyclable with no fuss, just pop them straight into your home recycling bins.

Using a Bibo water filtration system also reduces your water consumption. Attached to the mains water supply you can simply press a button and chilled water will fill up a nice refreshing glass, or with another button you have hot water ready for your tea or coffee. This will minimise water waste and keep energy consumption down.

Sustainable practices should also expand beyond the home with community-driven initiatives and workplace water responsibility. BIBO’s countertop filtration systems can be purchased for the workplace as well, contributing to more sustainable and eco-friendly practices on a larger scale.

Eco-Friendly Advancements in Water Innovation

The use of water is very much linked with humanity’s development, evolving alongside us. It has grown from being a simple source for quenching our thirst to becoming an all-important resource in food production and transport. As our knowledge has grown, so too has our demand for water resources become more complex and varied.

The Evolution of Water Innovation

New technologies such as advanced water filtration, purification, and water-saving technologies have pushed new methodologies to the forefront of how we treat and think about water.

BIBO is at the vanguard of this technological development, combining its silver-infused carbon block filtration and UV Lamp purification with sustainable practices, fully committed to environmental responsibilities.

Embracing Eco-Friendly Water Filters

Choosing which water filter suits you best can be difficult, but once you have made your decision, your choice can be an empowering one. But whichever one you choose, you know that you are contributing to a better planet.

It is important to take into consideration all factors, such as energy efficiency, where the materials for the filter come from, and how well the filtration works. All these factors can impact the quality and taste of your filtered water as well as the reduction of plastic waste and the use of harmful materials. This is what makes BIBO a great option as the multi-level filtration system with fully recyclable cartridges and UV lamps places it at the top of the industry in environmental impact.

Exploring Environmentally Conscious Water Practices

Whether you are a tea or a coffee person, waking up in the morning with a hot drink can set you up for the rest of the day. Boiling water, whilst a common practice, does use large amounts of energy to bring your cold water to just under 100°C. But should you be doing this?

The Greenest Way to Boil Water

There are greener alternatives to simply boiling a traditional kettle, or even using the hob to heat your water. You can find energy-efficient kettles or you can use a countertop hot water system. But, embracing eco-friendly ways to heat water is of paramount importance, leading to a healthier planet, and a healthier bank balance.

BIBO has the dual ability to give each household both chilled water and hot water heated to around 98°C, perfect for a nice cup of tea. Throughout a day of use, the BIBO Classic uses 25% less energy than a typical day’s use of a kettle.

BIBO filtered water machine

You can contribute to greener practices by using a BIBO water filtration system. It filters out chlorine, microplastics, herbicides, insecticides and micro-organisms. Furthermore, if you have the BIBO Classic, a powerful UV filter kills off any remaining bacteria, leaving your water clean and pure.

All these benefits are combined in an easy-to-use digital interface. Plus, the BIBO Classic comes in a sleek design with 12 different colours to choose from.

Future Trends and the Road Ahead

In general, everyone has a significant role to play in managing their own water consumption, but it is big corporations that need to embrace change the most.

BIBO stands by its commitment to promoting and practising sustainable water usage. And you can too. By encouraging the implementation of recyclable filters as well as decreasing the level of energy consumption, your home or your workplace could become a beacon for change.

To learn more about BIBO and how you can affect change, check out this page.

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Why you need to stop drinking bottled water Sun, 15 Nov 2020 09:19:33 +0000 In a world where our climate is constantly battling the impact of human waste and pollution, resorting to plastic bottles of water needs to stop. We just can’t justify single-use plastic bottles anymore when there are so many brilliant alternatives out there for us to take advantage of. So much plastic ends up in our... Read more >

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In a world where our climate is constantly battling the impact of human waste and pollution, resorting to plastic bottles of water needs to stop. We just can’t justify single-use plastic bottles anymore when there are so many brilliant alternatives out there for us to take advantage of. So much plastic ends up in our oceans, damaging wildlife and contributing to our increased carbon footprints – it’s time to channel our inner Greta Thunberg and make a change! 

But ditching plastic bottled water doesn’t just help the environment, there are lots of other benefits that come with bidding farewell to bottled water. Check them out below.


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Plastic water bottle pollution is hurting our planet

Unless you been avoiding the news over the past few years, you’ll know climate change is a big deal – and if you disagree, you definitely need to head to Netflix and watch David Attenborough’s Extinction documentary. Like, now! 

Plastic Oceans estimate that over 500 billion plastic bottles are used every year worldwide and single-use plastic is a prime example of how humans are polluting our planet. The high demand for plastic water bottles means we use a large number of fossil fuels to create more and more plastic, which in turn, increases the amount of carbon emissions that go into the atmosphere and destroy our ecosystems. 

And the problems don’t stop there! Once a plastic bottle has been used, incorrect recycling means they can (and very often do) end up in the ocean. If your water bottle has found its way to the big blue, it will break up very slowly into micro-plastics which are incredibly damaging to marine life. Micro-plastics can even make their way onto your dinner plate having been consumed by the fish you bought for tea! But micro-plastics are not just making their way on to our plates, they can even end up back in bottled water… The irony is real.


Plastic bottles are expensive!

When you’re caught short on the move and need to top up your liquid levels, the attraction of a bottle of water is clear – it seems cheap and easy, right? Well, perhaps, but it’s not as cheap as you might think. Putting aside the enormous cost to the environment, when you add up all the bottled water you’ve purchased over the years, the cost quickly racks up. – after conducting research into reusable bottles in schools – reported that an average child spends £350 a year on bottled water. Yes, that’s right, a child! So just imagine how much more adults will have spent on bottled water during their lifetime.

Tap water on the other hand, whilst not completely free, is much cheaper by comparison and can work out at only 0.1p per litre. Investing in a reusable bottle as a hydration companion is not only a huge positive when it comes to protecting our planet, but it could just save you some money in the long run! It’s a win-win.


Filtered water is better than bottled water – hands down

Bottled water isn’t very trustworthy, to say the least. In fact, in the past, drinks giants Coca-Cola and Pepsi have both been caught trying to launch bottled water brands that were just repurposed bottles of tap water! 

Filtered water from your trusty BIBO delivers fresh and pure water time and time again. With multi-stage filtration including a silver impregnated carbon block and sophisticated UV filtration, the BIBO removes the bad stuff from your water but keeps the natural essential minerals that are good for you.


Why you need to stop drinking bottled water


It’s time to choose BIBO


If you’re on a mission to eliminate single-use plastic bottles from your life but still want delicious, filtered water, we’ve got you covered.

At BIBO, we are firm believers that fresh and filtered water is the best when it comes to taste, health, convenience, consistency and caring for the environment. A big claim, we know. But we mean it – check out all the reasons why you need a BIBO at home here.

Want to find out more about how BIBO can help you ditch the bottle and take better care of both yourself and the world around you? Get in touch with our expert team to find out more about our range! We’re more than happy to answer any questions or queries you may have.


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How to reduce your plastic waste in 7 easy steps Thu, 09 Jul 2020 18:51:31 +0000 Want to reduce your plastic waste? Eight million tonnes of plastic end up in the ocean every year – just let that sink in for a second. Thanks to the likes of Greta Thunberg and the legend that is David Attenborough, we’ve all seen the headlines about the environmental impact that single-use plastic has on... Read more >

The post How to reduce your plastic waste in 7 easy steps appeared first on BIBO.

Want to reduce your plastic waste? Eight million tonnes of plastic end up in the ocean every year – just let that sink in for a second. Thanks to the likes of Greta Thunberg and the legend that is David Attenborough, we’ve all seen the headlines about the environmental impact that single-use plastic has on our planet. 

Wondering how you can help to make a change and take steps towards a plastic-free lifestyle? Here are our top tips for how to reduce your plastic waste.


reduce your plastic waste


7 easy tips to reduce your plastic waste


Treat yourself and the planet to a reusable bottle or cup

One of the best steps you can take to reduce your plastic waste is to invest in a reusable bottle. Greenpeace recently stated that the UK uses around 35 million plastic bottles every day – if that isn’t a scary enough statistic to prompt you to make the change, we don’t know what is. Plus, for bonus points, if you take a reusable cup to your local coffee shops you’ll not only be looking after the environment but you’ll more often than not get a cheeky discount on your hot beverage for your efforts! 


Say no to plastic straws

It’s hard to reach for a plastic straw at your local drinkery now without hearing a tiny voice in the back of your head shouting ‘save the turtles!’ Listen to that tiny voice – it’s telling you the truth! The BBC last year claimed we use an estimated 8.5 billion plastic straws every year in the UK, and that pesky straws are consistently within the top ten waste items found washed up on our shores. The government has vowed to ban them this year – along with cotton buds – but in the meantime why not invest in some trusty metal straws for your home? 


metal straws


Shop local

Cut down on plastic packaging by scoping out your best local suppliers, from butchers to fishmongers, grocers, and bakers. Food wrappers are particularly pesky plastic offenders, when in fact loose fruit and veg is often priced much more reasonably. Whether it’s a change in supermarket or a conscious decision to shop at your local supplier, opt for paper bags where possible or at the very least reuse a sturdy bag for life – the clue’s in the name!


Say bye to bottled water and filter your own

When you’re in a rush, bottled water can seem like the easy option to get your filtered water fix – but that doesn’t, and shouldn’t, be the case. “Bottled water is no safer than filtered tap water, but the industry doesn’t have to disclose the results of its testing,” according to the Environmental Working Group – so don’t believe the hype! Investing in a filtered water machine such as the BIBO Classic doesn’t just provide you with the benefits of filtered water in your own home at the touch of a button, but helps you take a dedicated step towards reducing your plastic waste footprint. 


filter your own water


Takeaway with a conscience

It’s Friday night and you fancy a naughty little takeaway to see in the weekend, kudos to you. You may not have thought of it before, but make sure you ask the restaurant or food supplier not to deliver any plastic cutlery or straws – this is an option on most delivery apps, but you can always leave a message in the delivery notes too. This is all the more important when you consider the research in a blog from WWF that has estimated we only use plastic cutlery for 3 minutes (if we use it at all!) before tossing it in the trash.


Shop sustainably

This was news to us but a huge amount of clothes contain synthetic plastic fibres. As people look to new ways of achieving a plastic-free lifestyle, many have turned to shopping second-hand, washing their clothes less to make them last longer or opting for brands that have sustainability at the heart of their messaging. Footwear brand Allbirds is a great example of this; their brand ethos ‘Measure, Reduce, Offset’ ensures they remain committed to eradicating their carbon footprint altogether. Take the time to research where your next outfit is coming from so you can be a fashionista with sustainable sass!


Scrap the plastic food wrap

Cling film is the bane of the planet’s fight against plastic. Did you know more than 1.2 billion metres, equating to 745,000 miles of cling film is used by households across Britain every year? That’s enough to go around the circumference of the world 30 times over! Clingfilm is a nightmare to recycle meaning that it often ends up in landfills where it can take hundreds of years to degrade. Luckily there are some amazing clingfilm alternatives out there from beeswax wraps to reusable metal or glass Tupperware, silicon storage pouches, and paper sandwich bags. Moral of the story: don’t be clingy for cling film.


clingfilm alternatives


Do you have any ways of reducing your plastic waste which we haven’t included in our list? Let us know! We’d love to hear from you and further the conversation to protect the planet from single-use plastic pollution together.


Want to find out more about how BIBO can help you to lead a more eco-friendly lifestyle? Get in touch with our expert team! We’re more than happy to answer any questions or queries you may have.




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